How to Raise a Ticket?

How to Raise a Ticket?

Recently we have introduced 'Suprajit Help Desk' Portal i.e.  and here you have 2 options to create your tickets.

Warning: Please open this Portal in Latest Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Browsers only

1) By Sign in into the Help Desk Portal

You can register by using Sign Up (See: How to Sign Up into Support Portal? ) and using details of your account you can access by clicking on "Sign In" Option.

Then Click on "Create your Tickets Here Banner" or Click on "Submit a ticket" Button

You can able to access to all your raised tickets and have all the Tracking details of the same.
You can able to see the status of your ticket and assigned support Executive.
You can able to respond or give comments to the tickets which you already raised.

You required to sign in into the Support Portal

Entering Ticket Information by using Option-1

  1. Department: By Default Department has been Set up as "IT and ERP Departments" and keep it as it is.
  2. Plant: Select your Unit/Plant where you are working for
  3. Subject: We recommend that ticket subject be short and to the point, this allow us to quickly identify and respond to trends if multiple end users are experiencing  the same issue.
  4. Description: Provide as complete a Description of the issue as you can. A good, clear, complete description can help our executive respond to your issue faster. It helps to give the first response more likely to be a solution, rather than asking for additional information. Keep the following tips in mind when you provide an issue description.
    1. Add any Past ticket numbers if your issue is related to any previous tickets. if helps our executive identity the history of this issue and quickly respond your issue with a solution.
    2. Include exact Text of any Error Message where it is displayed.
  5. Priority: By Default, priority has been set as Low and you can reset it as per your priorities.
  6. Category: Choose the right category which your Issue is false under.
  7. Sub Category: Choose the relevant sub category which is Optional.
  8. Attachments: You can attach the details of any relevant screen shots or log details here.
Choosing the right Category and Sub Category will help us quickly assign the Issue to the Right Support Personnel.

2) Without Sign in into the Help Desk Portal

      Click on " Create your Tickets Here Banner" or Click on " Submit a ticket" Button

You can Directly create tickets instantly without Log in into the Portal. No need to worry about Credentials here.

You can not able to see your Past Tickets
You are not able to see the Status of already raised tickets until the ticket has been closed by our Support Executives.

Entering Ticket Information by using Option-2
Everything is the same Details which we are explained in Option-1 except below additional fields you may be required to fill into ticket form when you start to fill the details.

  1. Contact Name: Enter you Name
  2. Email: Enter your Official Email ID